David Morgan Ltd., Cardiff, the premier department store
in Wales, closed in January 2005, after 125 years in business.
On closing they offered us two bronze name plaques that had
been on their facade since the 1920's "since we share
a similar trading name".
We are honored by this gift, since David Morgan Ltd. had an
enviable reputation for integrity. The gift was totally unexpected,
since we had only a brief indirect contact with them over
25 years ago, and they were very large, and we are still small.
Although my people came from the same general area in Wales
we are not related closely enough to be recognized. We do
however share a similar background, mindful of integrity,
with a desire to offer quality and value, and to give good
service to our customers.
We trust these plaques will enjoy a compatible home with us
reflecting favorably on their past with David Morgan Ltd.
of Cardiff. The plaques are on display at our retail
store in Bothell, Washington.