
Conservancy in Bronze

August 14, 2020

David Morgan is pleased to partner with Cavin Richie in offering the Conservancy in Bronze jewelry — jewelry specifically designed to benefit organizations dedicated to preserving and creating habitat for threatened and endangered wildlife. With Cavin’s retirement from production work, he is now able to pursue this passion, using his artistic skills to benefit the wildlife he loves.

A substantial portion of the proceeds from each Conservancy in Bronze sale will be donated to the designated organization.


Swinging Chimp Jewelry:



A substantial portion (40%) of the proceeds from the sale of this swinging chimpanzee will be donated to the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI). The Jane Goodall Institute is a global nonprofit organization focused on inspiring individual action to improve the understanding, welfare and conservation of great apes and to safeguard the planet we all share. To learn more please visit her site.

Cavin has been enamored with the exploits of Jane Goodall his entire life. She started his path to species and habitat conservation and her life long dedication to the great apes has really made a difference.


Honey Bee Jewelry:



A substantial portion of the proceeds from the sale of this Honey Bee Pendant will be donated to Friends of the Earth. Friends of the Earth was selected by Cavin to receive the proceeds because of their tireless efforts to support honey bees and other polinators. To learn more please visit their site.

Peaceglobe Jewelry:



A substantial portion of the proceeds from the sale of this Peace Globe Pendant will be donated to Earthjustice. Earthjustice is dedicated to litigating environmental issues “because the earth needs a good lawyer”. Earthjustice is the largest nonprofit environmental organization and is the legal backbone that unites many environmental groups free of charge. In a country with strong environmental laws, Earthjustice holds those who break our nations laws accountable for their actions. To learn more please visit their site.



Conservancy in Bronze




Lord of the Whip

June 26, 2020

Giovanni Celeste, a whip enthusiast from Italy, has created this remarkable video on David Morgan and the Indy Whip.  We hope you enjoy it.


Sydney and Hampton Now on Sale

May 8, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected Akubra’s manufacturing in Australia. In order to ensure a successful path forward once this challenge has passed, Akubra is reducing the number of styles offered until further notice. Our lead time in obtaining Akubras is around five to six months, and these changes will affect our fall and winter hat selection.

Two of the styles we are unlikely to be able to stock fully for our fall and winter season are the Sydney and the Hampton. We are offering our remaining stock of these two styles at a great price.

The Sydney is the first Akubra city hat we offered. This open crown hat is made from a slightly softer felt than our other Akubras, and is easily shaped. The most common bash for this style is a Fedora bash. If you’ve been contemplating buying an open crown hat, now is an excellent opportunity to do so. We provide instructions on bashing your open crown hat in our hat manual (included with each Akubra) and online. For those who desire more help, we do offer a Custom Bash service.



Sydney Hat by Akubra, Fedora Bash

Sydney Hat by Akubra, Fedora Bash


The Hampton is another city hat, pre-creased with a center dent. This hat is the narrowest brim Akubra we offer, measuring just 1-3/4 inches, and is an easy choice for people who like to wear a hat in and out of a car. Both the Sydney and Hampton are fully lined.


Hampton Hat

Hampton Hat



Sydney Hats

Hampton Hats


News About our Spring and Summer Catalog

May 5, 2020

Our Spring/Summer 2020 catalog is now available as a pdf. You can download or view the catalog here.

Normally, you’d be receiving a printed copy of the catalog in your mailbox about this time. The COVID-19 disruptions started just as we were finalizing our spring catalog. Without knowing how the disruptions would affect us, we chose not to print. At the same time, we chose to hold all pricing in our Fall and Winter 2019/2020 catalog through the summer. Although our retail store is temporarily closed, we are able to take orders online or by phone. Most items are in stock, although our spring shipment of Darwin Panamas and Panama Fedoras has been delayed and some sizes are back ordered. Other summer hats such as the Hemp Balmoral are in good supply.


Balmoral Hemp Hat by Akubra


Our catalog, which we publish just twice a year, also gives us the opportunity to alert our customers to changes. This spring brings a bittersweet change, with Judie Gumm retiring. We have carried Judie Gumm’s Alaskan jewelry for more than 30 years. We are sad to lose this collection but wish Judie and her husband Richard a wonderful retirement. Our remaining Judie Gumm lost wax castings, made in Alaska, are available here until sold out.





Covid-19 Update

April 14, 2020

With the current COVID-19 disruptions, we are operating with minimal staffing but still able to process and ship most online, phone and mail orders within one to two business days.  We follow CDC and Washington state suggested best practices, and are fortunate to have a work environment that is easily cleaned with good social distancing. Our retail store in Bothell, Washington is closed until Washington state allows us to re-open.

The worldwide pandemic has affected our ability to keep some products in stock.  This past week we finally received a large shipment of Akubra hats, some of which were originally expected back in January.  Delayed by global shipping disruptions, we were very pleased to have these hats!  We still have a few outages, awaiting our next shipments, but most styles are well stocked, including the Kiandra.

Spring is here, and with it Panama hat season.  Unfortunately our spring order has been delayed by the COVID-19 closures and we are out of stock of some sizes, in particular of our Darwin Panama, a customer favorite.  We hope to receive these hats mid-May.  Orders can be placed now – we will keep you updated if further delays occur and won’t charge your credit card until we ship.  If you have immediate need of a Panama or straw hat, please consider our Gambler Panama, the Vented Panama and Featherweight Panama by Mayser, and Akubra’s Hemp Balmoral.

We thank our vendors, many like us small, family-owned businesses, for adapting to these unprecedented times. And we thank you, our customers, for your patience and understanding. We hope life gets back to normal soon.



The Mule Kick

March 6, 2020

One of our customers stopped by the store and posed for a picture. He’s wearing the Adventurer, but decided to have it bashed like the gunsmith Mike Brooks.

Mike Brooks was featured on the season of American Craftsman.




Valentine Gift Ideas

January 24, 2020

If you are grasping for an idea this Valentine’s Day, we’ve got you covered. We have plenty of beautiful jewelry that you can find on our website.

Below are three of our most popular items. Pick one, or all three!


Heathergems Heart Pendant and Earring Set. Made in Scotland.



Lovebirds Necklet, by Odin Lonning, made in USA


Lovebirds Earrings in Sterling Silver. Designed by Tlingit Odin Lonning, made in USA.




What’s your glove size?

January 10, 2020

With the cold winter weather, many of you might be thinking of protecting your hands. You may need gloves for outdoor activities or just a pair for the car until it warms up.

Many gloves come in small, medium, large and extra large. It can be a shock when someone asks you what your fitted glove size is.

It’s easy to figure out. Be sure to use a cloth tape measure or a string that does not stretch. Wrap the tape around the widest part of your palm. The tape will be just above the connecting point between the thumb and the palm and to the widest part of the other side of the palm. Wrap it fully around your hand and tug it gently. Do not pull it tight. It should just fit as you would like your gloves to fit.


Where to measure your glove size

Where to measure your glove size.


You will get a measurement in inches. The most common range is from about 7 inches to 10 or 11 inches. Go up to the nearest half size.


Geier Gloves



The Cornell Lab of Ornithology

November 15, 2019

One of our favorite places to advertise our Cavin Richie Wildlife in Bronze jewelry is Living Bird. It is produced by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The Autumn 2019 caught our attention with an article entitled, “3 Billion Birds Lost.”

According to research published online in September by the journal Science, wild bird populations in the continental U.S. and Canada have declined by almost 30% since 1970. While all six major biomes in the US saw a bird population decline, the largest percentage occurred in the grasslands, where there was a 53% decrease.

Click here for the article:

If you are interested in learning more, or making a donation, please visit Cornell’s Bird Lab homepage.


Cavin Richie