Our trip to the January Western Equestrian Sales Association ( WESA ) in Denver was a success. The January show is larger than September’s, giving Will and Mike a chance to introduce Akubra Hats to more dealers (and make more friends).
We visited Chico Basin, a large working ranch that offers guest stays and educational programs.
Chico Basin
Restored Schoolhouse (built in the late 1800s).
Jose Luis Cerrillos and his son, Jose of Continental Leather Fashions
Bonita of Silverton Shirts
Larry Knapp and his wife, Jaya of Cordon y Cuero
Gretel Underwood of Gretel Underwood, Inc.
Will Conner of BC Hats and Will Morgan
John Brady, Shady to his friends, of Shady Brady Hat Company
Rick Richardson and Kim of Two Gray Hills
Brian, Tom and Barry of Farm Boy and Farm Girl Clothing
Dale, Charon and Leo of Geier Glove
Bruce Erickson of Chacon Belts
Linda Bodick of Kabana
From left to right: Tinka and Tisha (Edna Designs), Pam (Whimsical Originals), Pat Dahnke & Christina (Designs by Pat) and Michelle (Red Star Riggings Hat).