
Cavin Richie – Profiles in Craftsmanship

April 18, 2014

Cavin Richie moved to the Puget Sound area in 1970 to be near the sea. For over thirty years his carvings have reflected his surroundings. All of his work is highly detailed. His line includes birds, mammals and amphibians. He begins the lost wax casting process using shed elk antler and woolly mammoth ivory. Cavin loves the earthy look of bronze and the way it shows the detail of his original designs.

“Carving,” says Cavin “is like touching antiquity. I feel a kinship with a long lineage of carvers dating back to the Pleistocene.”

Below are the steps that Cavin uses to create each of his remarkable pieces. The carving alone can take up to twenty hours. Each piece is a miniature sculpture.



Cavin begins by sketching the wildlife into the shed antler.



The antler is smoothed.



The wildlife is cut out of the antler.



Details are added to the piece.



A rubber mold is created that will be used for the wax model.



A wax model is created. A second mold is created around the wax model.



Liquid bronze is poured into the mold. When the bronze cools, the bronze piece is removed from the mold.



The rough casting is chased, the findings are soldered on and the patina is applied.


Watch Cavin on our YouTube channel.


Profiles in Craftsmanship:





Wildlife in Bronze

More Cavin Jewelry for Birdlovers

April 4, 2014

Cavin Richie has a tremendous talent for capturing the essence of nature in his jewelry. His bird designs are exquisite. Below are just a few of our latest additions. More can be discovered here.


Kingfisher Pendant


Kingfisher Pendant with Cord

Also available as a pin.



Magpie Pendant


3-D Magpie Pendant with Cord



Snowy Owl Pendant


Snowy Owl Pin

Also available as a pendant.





Cavin Richie




The Beauty of Leather

March 21, 2014

Art Edison of Edison Leather Works purchases kangaroo leather from us. He graciously sent us several photographs of his work. Art considers his work a “serious hobby” and he is not set up for (or interested in getting) lots of orders. He likes making a few things and selling them on a limited basis.


From the photos you can see the craftsmanship of his work. Enjoy! (And don’t forget to check out his blog postings, they are very enlightening.)


While we sell Art kangaroo lace and skins, please note that not all of the photos below are fully made with kangaroo leather.





The wallets are all hand-stitched using traditional 2-needle saddle making stitching. The black one is a trifold and the colored ones are bifolds.









Like the wallets, the purse is all hand-stitched. The exterior is medium weight kangaroo, and it is fully lined with a very lightweight oak-tanned cowhide (Hermann Oak). The handle is kangaroo. There are several types of braids (flat, round, turk’s head). The round braid goes all around the gusset of the bag underneath and is doubled.







These are a few belts that Art made with our factory cut narrow lace. The black was as ordered and all the colors were dyed using Fiebings, either regular or professional oil. All of the colors require a fair amount of “elbow grease” to rub out the excess after they dry well. Art typically dyes them, lets them hang to dry for a few days, and then gives them a thorough coat of Pecard’s Leather Dressing. Then they sit for several days and when he’s ready to braid them he rubs them a lot with rags.







Edison Leather Works


Braiding and Leather Supplies





Akubra’s Cattleman Makes an Appearance at the Americana Festival

March 6, 2014

For the past few years, Australian musician and advocate Dobe Newton has given out Akubra hats and Drizabone coats to attendees of the Americana Festival in Nashville, TN. Last September, Tacy Judd, a freelance photographer who works for the American Music Association, was a winner.


Gene LaFallette at Shenandoah Photographics took some outstanding photographs of Tacy with the Cattleman and her Drizabone coat. Enjoy!


Tacy Judd


Tacy Judd


Tacy Judd


Tacy Judd


Tacy Judd



Learn more about:

Akubra Hats

Drizabone Coats




New Cavin Items

February 21, 2014

We are pleased to announce that we are now selling nearly all of Cavin Richie’s jewelry. Cavin’s designs are a reflection of his surroundings. His line includes intricately detailed birds, mammals and amphibians.

For the past thirty years Cavin has carved with shed elk antler and woolly mammoth ivory. These carvings became the basis for his lost wax casting jewelry. “Carving,” says Cavin “is like touching antiquity. I feel a kinship with a long lineage of carvers dating back to the Pleistocene.”

A patina of green, white, black and other colors complement the earthy metal and give each piece a unique finish. All the Wildlife in Bronze jewelry designed by Cavin Richie are made in the USA.


Polar Bear Pendant with Cord


Our polar bear is on the prowl!


Snowy Owl Pendant with cord


The white patina on the snowy owl gives this pendant a highly detailed look.


Orca Earrings, Fishhook


Orcas are a Northwest favorite, but are found throughout the world.




WESA 2014

January 31, 2014

Will and Mike made another journey to Denver for the annual Western and English Sales Association convention. The largest trade show of its kind, it features hundreds of vendors purveying equestrian-themed items. From western rodeo and dressage to everyday items such as clothing, boots and jewelry, everything is on display.  

For five days, people from around the world descend upon Denver to see the latest products each vendor has to offer. This coincides with the Stockman’s Show, which attracts more of the Western crowd.

It was fun to meet old friends and be part of the spectacle.

Hard Rock Cafe, Denver

View of downtown Denver looking out from the Hard Rock Cafe.  

Neighbor in a head dress

One of our neighbors sporting her new head dress.  

cowboy sculpture

Beautiful bronze sculpture of the cowboy lifestyle. 

beautiful saddle

Beautiful show-quality leather saddle

beautiful saddle 2

Closer view with more details of the exquisite tooling


Mike has some fun with the replica gun dealers







Join Us at WESA 2014

January 9, 2014

David Morgan is attending the January WESA (Western and English Sales Association) convention in Denver, CO.  The Denver WESA Market is the premier trade show for the western industry.  For over 90 years, WESA has brought together retailers and exhibitors in a friendly, down-home environment.

Join us if you happen to be at the show! Will and Mike will be happy to show you our hats. This year we are introducing our expanded line of Cavin Richie jewelry.

Last year we printed a poem by Tom Mosher. We’d like to print it again.   


“Of a cowboys treasure”

His boots were comfortably old

Why, they’d been twice resold.

They were special made from down Tucson way

He always went for quality, he would say


There were several fine hats, hung on his rack

His favorite came from Australia, an Akubra, Kiandra in black

That old hat showed years of use

Nothing he owned showed abuse


Now this cowboy had more to treasure

Two well worn saddles, that gave him pleasure

And there was a loaded Ford pick-em up

‘twas nice to have a ride that didn’t buck


but of all those worldly treasures

there’s only two that truly measures

his red-headed lady and a strawberry roan

for without them, he would truly be alone



Some Customer Hat Photos

December 26, 2013

We love receiving pictures of our customers wearing Akubra hats. Because Akubras are hard-wearing, we have had photos sent from all over the world: from the middle-eastern deserts to the American Southwest, from Europe and Africa to South America. Below are a few we’ve accumulated over time. As you can see, some have an artistic flair.

Enjoy the photos!

JJ. and Friends at Singapore Zoo

JJ and friends at the Singapore Zoo.


hats in the mountains flat

  Self Portrait and a surrealistic painting.

   Hans Dietrich in his Adventurer (from Germany)

Hans Dietrich Zimmer, from Germany sporting his Adventurer.





Akubra Slouch Featured in New Amazon Book

November 27, 2013

Stan Morse, a local customer, came into our store here in Bothell, Washington. He surprised us with the news that our Slouch is featured in his new Kindle novel.


It is the summer of 1969 and the Vietnam War is raging, John Wayne dominates the theater marquee, and fourteen year old Billy Ward’s world will crumble if he can’t convince his eighteen year old brother Mike and Mike’s best friend Stu to include him in a backpacking adventure. For the older boys, taking The Kid into the mountains is a burden to be avoided at all costs. Parental pressure finally forces them to offer Billy a test to see if he is worthy. Can Billy prove himself physically capable? And beyond that, how can he hope to earn the respect of the older boys?

Brothers of Summer is a window into the hearts of teenagers in the 60’s—a time when kids rode bikes, boys got drafted, parental abuse was often ignored, and the bonds of friendship between teenagers were more important than nearly anything imaginable.

   You can get his book here.


Brothers of Summer


We wish Stan the best of luck with his novel!



Desensitize a Horse to Whip Cracking

November 15, 2013

Joe Williams of Skyler’s Acres in Gillette, NJ is an expert horse trainer. When Gucci (seen in the video below) arrived for training, Joe needed to expose him to a wide variety of surprises and noises that Gucci had never experienced as a show horse.


Joe uses a Karaka whip from New Zealand to help desensitize Gucci to unexpected noises like firecracker and gun shot sounds that he will likely experience in the outdoors.




Karaka Whips