
Buy the Hat that Winks at You

July 15, 2016

David’s favorite phrase for helping a hat customer was, “Buy the hat that winks at you.” Why such simple advice? Why not use the drawings on the Internet that compare face shapes with hat shapes?

David believed that you look best in a hat that you like, regardless of how it fits proportionally. We have many customers that come into our store wanting the Adventurer. And why not? With the Indy Bash it has a style of its own. Your head might be considered “too small” for a hat with such a wide brim and tall crown, but if you feel good wearing it, you will radiate that feeling. It becomes a part of you. You do not become a part of the hat.

We also have people with large heads who want to wear the stingy-brimmed Hampton. It gives the modern look that many younger men (and women) enjoy.

If you are looking for a hat that fits proportionally to your head size and face shape, by all means use the drawings online. A well-proportioned hat looks fantastic, and will complement what you wear. But if you are magically drawn to a hat, go ahead and wear it, regardless of its proportions.


Akubra Hats

Panama Hats

Tilley Fights the Summer Heat

July 1, 2016

If you need a hat for summer, but are worried that a fur felt is too much for the heat, you can always try a straw hat. Another alternative is to go with a Tilley.

Tilley started in 1980 when Alex Tilley needed a good hat for sailing and couldn’t find one. He decided to make one himself. Sparing no effort, he sought advice from a milliner, sailmaker and hat maker, and, as he says, “got it right”. Only afterwards, when he saw that he had an outstanding hat, did he decide to sell it through stores.

There are two summer hats from Tilley that you can enjoy. Both are light and comfortable, pack easily and provide good sun protection.

The Airflo is vented. It is made from Nylamtium® fabric, a strong water-and-mildew resistant nylon that provides lightweight protection from the sun. The polyester mesh incorporated in the crown is a distinctive feature and allows air circulation.


Tilley’s Hemp Hat is more rugged, but will also provide proper sun protection.



Tilley Hats

Time for a Summer Hat

May 20, 2016

With summer just around the corner, you may want to consider getting a lighter hat than your regular, Akubra fur felt.

Our Darwin Panama is a big seller. It is different from other straw hats, as it has the Aussie style brim that drops in the front and back. The kangaroo leather band is braided here at David Morgan. There is no other straw hat like it.

US Will Adopt Bison as National Mammal

May 6, 2016

Buffalo Pin by Cavin Richie



The bison could soon be the national mammal of the United States. The bill, passed by the House and Senate, now awaits the signature of the President.

Supporters of the bill say it will afford overdue recognition to a species that has been of such importance to the culture and history of the US.

“No other indigenous species tells America’s story better than this noble creature,” said Rep. William Lacy Clay. “The American bison is an enduring symbol of strength, Native American culture and the boundless western wildness.”

Tens of millions of bison, also known as buffalo, once ranged across North America. A century later, only a thousand remained. Concerned citizens, including President Teddy Roosevelt, formed the American Bison Society to help relocate 15 bison from the Bronx Zoo to a refuge in Oklahoma. There the bison could begin to repopulate the West. The current number is about 30,000, with the largest population in Yellowstone National Park. Bison are considered the first major conservation success story on Earth.

“We would like all of our children to be able to see a herd of several thousand bison roaming freely across some of these areas. That is really the vision of what the American West was and could be,” said Cristian Samper, president of the New York-based Wildlife Conservation Society.

Read the full story here.


Wildlife in Bronze Jewelry

The Beauty of Spring

April 15, 2016

Spring has arrived in Bothell and the flowers are blossoming everywhere you look. Here is just a small sample of the amazing sights available on a small walk around David Morgan.






Forced to spend night in the bush with only apple and Akubra

April 1, 2016

Australia’s former deputy prime minister, Tim Fischer took a hike on Mount Jack, Victoria, Australia. He underestimated the time and realized that he would be forced to spend the night in bushland near Dederang.

“One Akubra hat, one AA code coat and one apple from Stanley kept me going all night,” he said.


That Cattleman looks like it’s held up over the years!

Read the full story here.


Akubra Cattlemans

The Ruf Duck Apron

March 18, 2016

If you need an apron for any outdoor work, Ruf Duck’s will suit all your needs. It’s unique design places the straps on your shoulders rather than on the back of your neck. This way you can avoid “neck fatigue.”

There are no pockets to catch water or chemicals. Cleans and dries easily.



Ruf Duck

It’s Straw Hat Season

March 4, 2016

With spring arriving in many parts of the country, it’s time to bring out your straw hat made of either toquilla fiber or hemp. We’ve got a new style this year from Akubra. It’s also made of hemp, like our Range and Planter, but it’s got a finer weave, which gives it a more refined look.




Panama Hats

Hemp Hats

Cornell Lab Bird Cams

February 12, 2016

David Morgan has recently begun to advertise on the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. This is a wonderful site that features live cameras at nesting and feeding sites throughout the US and Canada.

The Ornithology Lab has plenty of information for anyone interested in birds and birding. They are always looking for participants, so get involved if you’re interested!

Here is a link to the site.