Although it’s early March, we’re already seeing an uptick in sales for our Panama hats. Most of our sales are coming from the Southern US, but we’ve got customers from all over the country. A straw hat is perfect for spring and summer weather.
Our straw hats are made with toquilla fiber, which has always been the traditional straw for making these hats. Toquilla fiber can be woven into varying densities. The denser the weave, the more flexible the hat. Our hats are in the intermediate range and can not be rolled. These panamas are also treated with a teflon coating that will make them water resistant. If you wear them in the rain, however, you can ruin your hat, so get out of the rain as soon as possible! The hats come with a cotton sweatband.

If you prefer to have a leather sweatband, you could try one of our Akubra hemp hats. The fiber is stiffer and the are a little heavier than our Panamas. They also have the advantage of fitted sizes.