New Jewelry by BOMA

September 23, 2022

We have four additional jewelry items by BOMA. Both the Orca and the Raven Clamshell pendants are designed by Bill Helin and the two Octopus pieces are designed by Andrew Williams.

Bill Helin is a Tsimshian native artist and enjoys a very rewarding career as a creative gold engraver, painter, woodcarver, and book illustrator. His ancestry is from the Gits’iis tribe in the village of Lax Kw’alaams, British Columbia.

The Raven Clamshell Pendant shows Raven perched on a clamshell with humanity inside.

The Orca Pendant depicts a legendary aquatic animal. Orcas, or Killer Whales, are a common motif in the art of the Northwest Coast peoples.

Born in 1964 in Haida Gwaii, Andrew Williams is a carver and graphic designer. He is part of the Raven clan in the Old Masset on Haida Gwaii. His work is a blend of traditional and contemporary art and shows his passion for his Haida Ancestry and the “old stories”.

The Octopus Pendant and The Octopus Bracelet is inspired by an animal considered auspicious and a symbol of great wealth among the Northwest Coast peoples.

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